jeudi 26 décembre 2013

The Gran canaria (Pierre)

Dear readers, in this cold period, let's get some sun with a travel in the Gran canaria.

The Gran canaria is an spanish island in the Atlantic ocean. the second most populous island of the Canary Islands
It purposes a great diversity of activity related to water : to practice sports in a such beautiful place could be an amazing experience !
I will try to give you the desire to travel over there through the presentation of several activities and sports.

Wakeboarding in the Gran canaria
Do you know this water sport ? Created in the 80's and less famous than waterskiing, this discipline allows the most spectacular moves ! 
Wakeboarders are usually towed by a boat launched at a speed of 30/40 km/h. Waves allow the possibility of great jumps and moves. 
Then, this activity could be quite hard for beginners because of differents things : firstly it could be a little bit complicated to get out of the water (you're starting into water), secondly when you're falling with a speed of 30/40 km/h, water becomes like a wall and falling could hurt yourself. But if you're not afraid, it woud be an amazing experience with great sensations

Submarine exploration
Underwater Coral Fish Wallpaper Underwater Coral Fish WallpaperIf you're looking for softer activities, this one will suits you perfectly ! Indeed, what a pleasure to admire the underwater calm. 
There is no such things in the world in comparison of the submarine world's silence.
Then, I think you would enjoy this activity whatever your tastes or your mood because this is an universal experience of quiet and peace ! 
The fish diversity, the amazing colour of the sea, the corals are many reasons to get interested and to want to discover this universe.

Well, if you're not satisfied with these activities, reading or sleeping on the beach couldn't be that bad !

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