jeudi 19 décembre 2013

Churros (Mathilde)

Little story :
The churros have emerged in Madrid and it is said that the name comes from the word churra. This word refers to a breed of sheep whose horns have the same shape as the famous donut...

Preparation time: 20mn
Cooking time: 5mn
Ingredients :

·         Wheat flour: 250 g
·         Water: 25 cl
·         Fine salt 3 clip (s)
·          Sugar: 100 g
·         Frying oil: 1 l

·         Heat oil to 180 ° C.

·         Bring salted water to a boil in a large pot. When it begins to boil, add the flour and mix with a spatula until a consistent and smooth.
Then remove the dough from the fire and work with the spatula. Once it is completely smooth, complete the "churrera" (making machine churros).
For a nice color, careful not to overcook churros at the same time.

Once the churros golden (3-4 minutes), remove them with a slotted spoon and drain on absorbent paper.
Serve hot sprinkled with sugar.

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