jeudi 5 décembre 2013

Christmas In Spain (Justine)


This article was published in the website :

This article talking about 3 things are very important during the Christmas in Spain:
         -  The sweets for children
       -    The big lottery of “Navidad” (= Christmas)

         -  Nativity scenes

The sweets for children

Unlike to France, the sweets for Christmas are offered generally of January 6th, day of “the three kings”. Spanish are more believers that French, so it’s important to respect the religion and offer the sweets only January 6th. This day, they eat also the famous “cake of kings” and celebrate the coming of kings.

They do also party for Christmas, that France, in order to celebrate Jesus birth. In general, they celebrate Jesus was born, with a meal with family.

The big lottery

Other thing very important during the Christmas holiday is THE BIG LOTTERY. In Spain, the lottery, sold in the small cottage “Once” or in streets, is very important, mainly in Christmas, of Decemeber 22nd with the “fat one”. The most of Spanish buy tickets for this lottery and keep their fingers crossed that 22nd. Look like that “tradition” in Spain, buy a ticket for Christmas.

Nativity Scenes

To conclude this spot of Christmas, I have to speak that nativity scenes in all the Spain. Most of Spanish are Christians, so they do a “nativity scene” for the purpose represents the birth of Jesus. Big “nativity scene” are also made in the differents cities of Spain.
But in Cataluña there’s a surprising, funny to the crib: el caganer. Is a particularity of Cataluña, this figurine represents a defecating shepherd. The exact origin of the Caganer in nativity scence is lost but 4 mains reasons are mentioned to explain this figurine :
1)   Is funny
2)     Defecating, is fertilizing the Earth
3)     Represents the equality of all people around the world, independently that status, race, religion; because everyone defecates
4)     Explain that Jesus is God but also a human, with all that being human implies

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